A Blessing For Creating

You came here to create. You were always meant to create yourself again and again. The challenge is to step into some unknown moment – a place you’ve never really been before. Fear may get the best of you, settling into the familiar, as if that’s all there is. The familiar will break its promise…

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A Blessing for Creative Tension

You are a pilgrim, moved, pulled and directed by tension. You were welcomed to this world by uterine muscle spasms. Invasive contractions remained oblivious regarding your readiness. Forces larger than you will come again and again, ushering you somewhere you’ve never been. Let your early beginning continue to inform you about the nature of the…

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A Blessing for Right-Sizing the Soul

Your childhood would have either been at least a bit arid or overrun with strong winds and ongoing cloudbursts. These early beginnings were marked by too much or too little affection, attention and encouragement. There would be no perfect climate. You would turn to the only thing in your control. You were not able to…

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How To Cope With Emotional Tension

It is extremely helpful to recognize and name tension in the present moment. Locate the tension in your body. Direct your breath to the area of the tension. When possible, verbally acknowledge the presence of tension. Recognition and acknowledgement go a long way toward helping manage tension. Notice and name any emotion associated with the…

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A Blessing For The Loves

You have loved in so many ways. You’ve loved with caution, commitment, anticipation, hope and even with desperation.  The heart has boundless ways to love and if you’re to come to know love, it will serve you to welcome them all. This blessing is for conditional and unconditional love. Unconditional love arises from deep sentiment,…

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Quotes That Matter – Week 5

We have heard from several visionaries. Rilke reminds us to avoid being seduced into complacency by comforting ourselves with the familiar. Frankl suggested remaining in a sustained relationship with life by being curious about what life is asking of us.  Kopp invites us to let go of striving for improvement. He recommends embracing our essential…

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A Blessing For Trusting Yourself

It’s been said that when we trust another, we hold the belief that the other will tell us the truth and be kind to to us. In a culture so concerned with what goes on between people, we define trust as a belief in two things: to believe the other will tell us the truth…

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Quotes That Matter – Week 4

This week’s quote is from Sheldon Kopp: “I’m no longer interested in character development, as long as that implies in any way that my Buddhahood is not already at hand. My aim is to know and celebrate all that I am.” Kopp’s message is the cornerstone of my own growth and healing as well as…

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Quotes That Matter – Week 3

This week’s quote is one of my own.  You can’t get life right. But, if you allow, life may get you right. Given the guidance we receive from Rilke and Frankl, we may find enough ego adjustment to allow life to get us right. If we don’t follow their suggestions, it is likely that we…

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