Shadow Marriage

Title: Shadow Marriage: A Descent into Intimacy
Published by: iUniverse, Inc.
Release Date: August 17, 2006
ISBN13: 978-0595388493
Shadow Marriage: A Descent into Intimacy is a provocative and innovative book about marriage that introduces a paradigm shift away from the pursuit of nuptial happiness to an invitation to marital creativity. An ancient meaning of creativity is "to generate new life". However, a requirement of all new life is a willingness for the old life to die.
Marriage is defined as a series of "Initiations" where each individual as well as their relationship is challenged to drop to new depths, leaving behind what may have obstructed both individual and collective deepening.
The book examines the nature of "shadow" especially as it is expressed through "shame", "power", "regression", and "diversity". Couples are encouraged to see marriage as a place where "Irreconcilable differences" are inevitable and, rather than terminate a relationship because of these differences, learn to go deeper within themselves and with one another.
“Shadow Marriage—A Descent into Intimacy offers both couples and professionals an uniquely in depth perspective upon marriage that can’t be found in the pages of any other text.”
—Dr. George Rogers, Author of Terror, Bonding and Psychotherapy
“Paul Dunion’s Shadow Marriage—A Descent into Intimacy collects the many lost voices and broken hearts of modern marriage. When you truly dive into your own story with the tools found in this book, and flush out the teachings and the blessings, your marriage and maybe even your life could be saved.”
—Jeffrey Duvall, Author of Men,Meaning and Prayer—The Reconciliation of Heart and Soul in Modern Manhood
"Shadow Marriage is wonderfully insightful and fully grounded at the same time! Dr. Dunion has encapsulated many years of experience into his text. You can feel the weight of each sentence as it comes off the page. This book will help anyone gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of love and relationship."
— Cliff Barry, Founder of Shadow Work Seminars