Seekers: Finding Our Way Home

Title: Seekers: Finding Our Way Home
Published by: Archway Publishing
Release Date: August 31, 2016
ISBN13: 978-1480831520
You may be living with a creative restlessness. It does not necessarily mean you don’t know how to be satisfied or content with the present station of your life. It may be that you are a seeker and your life is asking you to strengthen your ability to live with the curiosity and wonder of a seeker. Seekers: Finding Our Way Home offers a unique and sustainable approach to bringing care to the life of a seeker.
Seekers are threshold dwellers. They live at their current experience of reality while welcoming unknown possibility. Seekers are not meant to be homeless. They can find their way home, learning where to linger before allowing their wonder to yield new vision. Soulfully holding both acceptance and longing, seekers can learn to rest in the embrace of what is asking to be born.
SEEKERS: FINDING OUR WAY HOME by Paul Dunion, Ed.D. is a thought-provoking work that will benefit readers at any point in life. The author is clearly wise, and offers easy-to-understand, though not simple, teachings that will help readers learn more about others as they go through self-examination. The person who is willing to read and pursue this book is the very type of person who will benefit from it most. This is the type of book that people should read and return to again and again. A wonderful book.
The front cover is lovely, with its bucolic scene of a dark but welcoming forest offering shallow steps that form a path to knowledge and self-awareness. Very creative and appropriate. The endorsement from Thomas Moore on the cover is excellent and will add that extra encouragement to readers to purchase the book. The back cover is excellent. The reader knows right away what the book is and its purpose. The author photo and biography are both helpful. All of this makes me want to read the book.
And I was not disappointed. The thoughts and teachings are all excellent. I was especially intrigued by the descriptions of those who choose to live as victims, and the myths of youth. All in all, an excellent and worthwhile book.
-Judge, 26th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.